Tuesday 23 May 2017

Give Me Shelter

As part of my research into the #houseparadox project I decided to finally go out and photograph a building which has fascinated me for the past ten years. Although not technically a human house I daresay this building is a home to much wildlife. However, what attracts me to this structure is that it has a very typical house shape to it, but its materials are not homely. It has an almost anti-aesthetic to it. It is a shelter, but not a comforting, or particularly welcoming one...

'Bad Things Happen There' - Nicholas Godsell

1 comment:

  1. This looks very forbidding. I too was attracted to photograph an agricultural building a while back, which I'd passed again and again. It was also dramatic with light pouring into gaps in the fabric. I like the way you have shot the image with the building towering over us, like in your image of the abandoned West Cliff Gardens bungalow.
